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paytext: Finally collect payments via text.

Helping People in 160 Charaters or Less!
There is everything right with "fitting in". An Aura is a positive energy eminating from a center. Surround your business with your customers. You'll see a stronger bond with them and they already love to text! Business flows with an Aura.      We invented and developed our own propriety super fast text engine named Aura. You can market, alert and collect payments, all via text!
You have customers, they live on their cell phones. We help you build your cell phone list and keep in contact with your people in the one way they love the most.   Your customers simply text 'PAY BILL' and funds are deposited directly and immediately into your account. Two words, safe and simple! We invented this and made it easy. Set up takes 5 minutes.
She is the fastest text engine in the US!
Does your buiseness have an Aura!
  gentext Scottsdale, AZ 85251
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